- Your IPL Limit
- What is my IPL Limit?
- Your IPL Limit is the maximum amount of IPL funds that you’ve been cleared to utilize – and accelerate your earnings with -- at the current time.
- What is my starting IPL Limit?
- All FanBoxers start with an initial IPL Limit of $100 USD, which can be increased, in incremental steps, with the passing of time as you achieve each qualifying step.
- May I have my IPL Limit increased from its current value?
When you qualify, your IPL Limit can be increased.
Qualifying factors include, but are not limited to your profile completeness level; community factors such as your fan quantity and quality; the ratings of your blogs, products and services and, most importantly, your processing fee payment history.
- Who should I ask to increase my IPL Limit?
- There is no need to ask anyone: IPL Limit increases are triggered automatically by the FanBox system as you become eligible, also depending on the availability of IPL funds in the community IPL pool (see below for definition).
- Do I need to utilize my entire IPL Limit?
No. You are not required to utilize your entire (or even any of your) IPL Limit.
To not utilize your entire IPL Limit, simply refrain from purchasing ads, or Boosting. Also, turn your current ads or Boosts to “Paused”.
Please note that IPL funds come from a limited pool. (You can read about the community IPL pool, below). As a result, funds not utilized within a reasonable period of time will be automatically returned to the community IPL pool for other FanBoxers to enjoy.
- Can I reduce or pay down my IPL Limit at any time, and then increase it again in the future?
Yes. Simply pay down any utilized amounts to automatically lower your IPL Limit.
Once your IPL Limit is completely paid down and returned to the community IPL pool, your IPL Limit will return to the initial level of $100 USD.
Then, depending on the availability of funds in the community IPL pool, your IPL Limit can be incrementally increased, in steps, over time as you once again achieve each qualifying milestone.
Please note that reaching a previously achieved IPL Limit level will take patience, as the system automatically increases IPL Limits in progressive steps as each qualifying level is once again achieved.
- Your IPL processing fee
- What is my IPL processing fee?
- IPL processing fee is a monthly “fair use” charge, that’s paid into the community IPL pool by all IPL users, for the privilege of utilizing IPL funds.
- Do I ONLY pay a processing fee on utilized IPL amounts?
Yes. Processing fees apply only to your utilized amount.
IE: You do NOT pay a processing fee on un-utilized amounts in your IPL Limit.
The minimum processing fee due is $2.00.
- How is my processing fee calculated?
Each month, both your processing fee due date and processing fee percentage are listed in your IPL account page.
When your processing fee due date arrives, the system simply multiplies your processing fee percentage against your IPL utilized amount as of that date, to arrive at your processing fee amount for that month.
The minimum processing fee due is $2.00.
- May I pay my processing fee using my FanBox Bank?
Yes. You can pay your processing fee using matured funds in your FanBox Bank.
If you have matured funds available in your FanBox Bank at the time your processing fee becomes due, the system will automatically pay your processing fee for you, from those funds.
If your FanBox Bank does not have matured funds available at the time your processing fee becomes due:
If you have protected your account using the free Account Protection Plan, your processing fee can be automatically charged to your PayPal or credit card – thereby eliminating any potential penalties for late payment of your processing fee.
If your account is unprotected, you can manually pay your processing fee on or after the due date, using your credit card, PayPal or Payza account.
- Can I effectively lower -- or even eliminate -- my processing fee?
Yes. Each month, you can effectively lower or even completely eliminate your processing fee.
This can be accomplished by purchasing products, services or premium blogs, and automatically receiving a cash back earning up to the amount of your processing fee.
With each item purchased, a full third (33.3%) of your purchase price will be automatically injected into your FanBox Bank as a “cash back earning” – up to the amount of your processing fee -- after your processing fee is paid.
- How long do I have to pay my processing fee?
- You have 10 days to pay your processing fee, starting from your processing fee due date.
- What happens if I don’t pay my processing fee?
10 days after your processing fee is due, if any portion of it remains unpaid, a $10 USD penalty will be charged to your FanBox Bank.
After another 20 days, if any portion still remains unpaid, your processing fee for that month will double.
Eventually, if it still remains unpaid, your IPL account may be subject to termination; with both un-utilized IPL funds and earnings returned to the community IPL pool for use by other community members.
- Why does my processing fee change each month?
Each month, your processing fee will likely be different from the month before, because it’s likely that you have utilized a different IPL amount. Remember, you only pay a processing fee on your utilized amount, not your IPL Limit.
Also your processing fee percentage can vary slightly each month based on economy utilization factors that are variable.
- Other questions
- What’s the community IPL pool?
- The community IPL pool is the total funds available for use by FanBoxers via their IPL accounts.
- Are there any set-up fees for using IPL?
- Yes. There is a one-time set-up fee of $1.00.
- Can I pay my set-up fee ($1.00) using my IPL funds?
- Yes. Upon activating your IPL account, your one-time set-up fee is automatically charged to your IPL account.
- What kinds of ads can I utilize my IPL funds on?
You can utilize your IPL funds for your ads that promote your blogs, or the blogs of other people.
Also, using the Boost product, you can earn by utilizing your IPL funds to Boost the ads of other FanBoxers.
In addition, IPL can fund your ads that promote your products, services and premium blogs – and even the products, services and premium blogs of other FanBoxers.
- Given that IPL is a brand, spanking-new product, will there be any bugs, confusion or issues?
Most likely, yes.
If you are uncomfortable with being among the first to utilize highly complex new products and services that are likely to, at first, have bugs and issues -- and even create confusion -- it is highly recommended that you wait a few months for most or all of the wrinkles to be ironed out, before utilizing IPL.
- May I use my un-utilized IPL funds to directly purchase products and services for sale on FanBox?
When you first activate your IPL account, you’ll be able to use your IPL funds for ads and Boosting.
Then, based on your on-time payment of your IPL processing fees, and your resulting growing IPL Limit, you’ll notice that your account will enjoy an incrementally expanding ability to purchase anything on FanBox using un-utilized IPL funds.
- Before cashing out, of course I’ll need to pay off any utilized IPL funds, but can I actually use matured earnings in my FanBox bank to pay off my utilized IPL funds?
Yes, you can utilize matured earnings from your FanBox Bank to pay off your IPL amounts owed!
In addition, you can also use your PayPal, credit card, Western Union or Payza account to pay off your IPL funds utilized.
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